Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Kalachandji Katha: 8-2-11

kalachandji katha banner
Wednesday, Aug 3rd - Tuesday, August 9th, 2011
At A Glance:
This Week
   Tuesday, August 9th - Pavitropanana Ekadasi  break fast next day (6:47 -11:17) 
    - Radha Govinda Jhulana Yatra Swing festival begins
   Wednesday, August 10th - Srila Rupa Goswami Dis. Day


  Saturday, August 13th - Lord Balarama's Appearance Day 

  Sunday,   August 21st - Sri Krishna Janmastami


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From Srila Prabhupada: 
This initiation means that you should, everyone should remember that whatever sinful activities one might have done in his past life, that is now account closed. Debit and credit closed. Now, from this day, no more sinful activities. What are those sinful activities? That is simple. We have mentioned. You should take it note. No illicit sex life. Beyond marriage, there is no sex life. No intoxication. Even drinking tea, coffee, they are also intoxication-cigarette smoking. No intoxication. No meat-eating. Simple. Only Krsna prasadam. ""Avoiding The Ten Offenses"" Los Angeles, December 19, 1968 
Q. What does it  practically means to take siksa?  

From the most important to the most ordinary, there may be different types of relation guru-disciple. Maharaja Pariksit was instructed by Sukadeva Gosvami: being they of supreme quality as disciple and master, the flowing of siksa is of the highest quality. We have so many examples of these excellent relations in our sastras. When we have those types of gurus, our surrendering should be total, because only in that capacity we may attract the love of Krishna. The Lord does not love anyone and anything as His dearmost devotees, He loves them even more than His own life breath. Therefore if we find such a bonafide sadhu, we should completely surrender unto him and follow his precepts.
No doubt, Srila Prabhupada is our first and foremost siksa guru. To take siksha from him means to study his books and to carry out his instructions.

Also we must take siksha from many other gurus and exalted personalities, which will enliven our existence.  Taking siksha may mean to ask specific questions on ourselves, or generic questions about philosophy. That is also to take siksha; it does not need to be something to be practiced, like "you should do this and not that".  General Krishna Katha is also siksha. It is a sipping of liquid nectar coming from sastras and sadhu, starting from the heart, going through the tongue, arriving to the ear up to heart and soul. The effect is purification and happiness.

When the speaker is not so elevated, to give or to take siksha often is non-different, because one purifies himself by speaking and the other by hearing. Both are taking in their own separated capacity the mercy of the Lord and the Vaishnavas. It does not always mean that the speaker is more advanced than the hearer. The first may just be more philosophically inclined, more expert, or older. Like in our case, you ask and I answer, but both of us are disciples. We have the same spiritual master and we enjoy repeating or hearing his thoughts. This is Siksha, real life. 

Answered by Manonatha Prabhu from his site www.isvara.org 
The Universe in the Atom


All matter is a combination of five gross elements (earth, water, fire, air and ether) and three subtle elements (mind, intelligence and false ego).



According to the Vedic science, material energy begins with the false ego and then develops into the intelligence, then the mind and then the gross elements-ether, air, fire and so on. So the same basic ingredients are present in all matter. Is this right?



Yes. The creation of the material universe is like the growth of a great banyan tree[3] from a tiny seed. No one can see the tree within the seed, but all the necessary ingredients for the tree are there, including the required intelligence. Actually, everyone's body is simply a sample universe. Your body and my body are different universes, small universes. Therefore, all eight material elements are present within our bodies, just as they are within the whole universe. Similarly, an insect's body is another universe.



How about the atom?



The same formula applies: all these constituents are within the atom. ( 1.2.20). This means that whether something is extremely large or infinitesimal, it is still made of the same basic elements. This is true everywhere in the material world. Just as a woman's small watch has all the requisite machinery for its smooth functioning, so an ant has all the necessary brain substance to manage its affairs nicely. How is this possible? To answer this properly, you must minutely examine the brain tissues in the ant. But this you cannot do. Moreover, there are  insects smaller than the ant. So there must be a mechanical arrangement for all this detailed activity, but scientists cannot discover it.


[Recorded on April 18, 1973, in Cheviot Hills Park, Los Angeles. Srila Prabhupada is accompanied by Dr. Thoudam Damodara Singh, Karandhar das Adhikari, Brahmananda Swami and other students.]

Kalachandji's Community News 


1. Pre-Janmastami Programs: 

Monday, August 15th - Friday August 19th at 7 pm.

 If you would like to host a program, please contact Nrtya Kisori:

214-660-0899 or nrtya.kisori.tkg@pamho.net


2. TKG Academy is in need of two storage cabinets. 

If you have a used one that you no longer need or would like to donate a new one, please let us know by calling Mother Jayanti: 214-821-6402 or 214-827-4306. Thank you very much. 


3. Janmastami Planning Meeting 

This Thursday at 6:30 pm at Srila Gurudev's Quarters - Janmmaastami and Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja being only weeks away now, planning for these festivals are well under way. All volunteers are invited to attend this important meeting this Thursday, August 4th at 6:30 pm at Srila Gurudev's quarters to discuss progress and share and discuss ways of improving  the festival experience.


Nityananda Chandra Das' Blog latest - 

Tulasi Kanthi - the neck bead of the devotees of Krishna

TEXAS FAITH 44: What responsibility should Murdoch or any CEO take for their company?

The baby grabs the surgeons fingers - Sivaramaswami.com 


UPCOMING: Japa Retreat with His Holiness Romapada Swami 

There will be a Japa Retreat with H.H. Romapada Swami over the Labor Day weekend from Friday, September 2nd - Sunday September 4th at the Brazos Bend State Park (near Sugarland, TX).  More information to follow, or call Radha Ballaba das at 832-215-1866.

August 7th, Sunday Evening class - Nityananda Prabhu
 Three Qualities of the Most Successful People

Templo Franco da Rocha São Paulo Brasil

Tulasi Kanthi - the neck beads of Krishna devotees


A few weeks ago I posted an article about Tilaka.  In this article Srila Prabhupada was quoted saying,

"I have no objection if members of the Society dress like nice American gentlemen; but in all circumstances a devotee cannot avoid tilaka, flag on head (shikha) and (tulasi) beads on the neck. These are the essential features of a Vaisnava." (SPL to Brahmananda, 14th October, 1967)

Tulsi Kanthi is on this list so I thought that I should also share some info about the kanthi, neckbeads as well. The Krishna conscious culture teaches that anyone who is an aspiring devotee of Krishna should wear Tulasi neckbeads for Tulasi is so spiritually potent. 


sadā prītamanās tasya krsna devakī-nandanah | 

tulasī-kāstha-sambhutām yo mālām vahate narah |

prāyaścittam na tasyāsti nāśaucam tasya vigrahe ||334||

tulasī-kāstha-sambhutām śiraso yasya bhusanam |

bāhvoh kare ca martyasya dehe tasya sadā harih ||335||

There is no need to perform atonement for a person who wears tulasī neckbeads. Factually, he does not become contaminated at any stage in his life. Śrī Hari resides in the body of a person whose neck and arms are decorated with ornament made of tulasī.

 to see the full article clickhere

Live Video from the Temple Room on your iPhone
It is now possible to stream the live video from the Temple Room onto your iPhone.  Go to Kalachandji's homepage to download the application.
Contact Information
Main Temple phone: 214-827-6330, Congregation Services: 214-827-6330 x 216 
Email for general questions and information 
To schedule a tour, home or school program: Nityananda Chandra 214-669-3369, or email him
To place an item in next week's bulletin, please send it by Monday each week

Feast Sponsorships



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Jaysri Radhey

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Ananth & Vedant

Jashu & Thakor Mistry

Soni Family

Saha Family



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Sri Krishna Janmastami
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All Day Events
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